
数学公式扩展(Markdig 规范文档)



允许使用 $...$ 定义数学块:

This is a $math block$
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span></p>

或者使用 $$...$$ 包裹它:

This is a $$math block$$
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span></p>


This is not a $$math
block$$ and? this is a $$math block$$
<p>This is not a $$math
block$$ and? this is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span></p>
This is not a $math
block$ and? this is a $math block$
<p>This is not a $math
block$ and? this is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span></p>

如果关闭的 $ 前面也有空格,那么开头的 $ 后面可以跟一个空格:

This is a $ math block $
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span></p>
This is a $    math block     $ after
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span> after</p>
This is a $$    math block     $$ after
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span> after</p>
This is a not $ math block$ because there is not a whitespace before the closing
<p>This is a not $ math block$ because there is not a whitespace before the closing</p>

对于开头的 $,它需要前面有一个空格或标点符号(但不能在单词内部使用):

This is not a m$ath block$
<p>This is not a m$ath block$</p>

对于结尾的 $,它需要后面有一个空格或标点符号(但不能前面有空格,也不能在单词内部使用):

This is not a $math bloc$k
<p>This is not a $math bloc$k</p>

对于结尾的 $,它需要后面有一个空格或标点符号(但不能前面有空格,也不能在单词内部使用):

This is should not match a 16$ or a $15
<p>This is should not match a 16$ or a $15</p>

可以使用转义字符 \\ 在数学内联块之间插入 $

This is a $math \$ block$
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math \$ block\)</span></p>

最多只能匹配两个 $ 作为开头和结尾:

This is a $$$math block$$$
<p>This is a <span class="math">\($math block$\)</span></p>


This is a $math block$ with text on both sides.
<p>This is a <span class="math">\(math block\)</span> with text on both sides.</p>

数学块优先于标准强调符号 *_

This is *a $math* block$
<p>This is *a <span class="math">\(math* block\)</span></p>

行首的 $$ 不应解释为数学块:

$$ math $$ starting at a line
<p><span class="math">\(math\)</span> starting at a line</p>


数学块可以通过在行首使用 $$ 跨多行。它工作原理类似于围栏代码块。

  \int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1}\,dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15}
<div class="math">
  \int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1}\,dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15}