
定义列表扩展(Markdig 规范文档)



自定义容器类似于围栏代码块,但它使用字符 : 来声明一个块(至少 3 个字符),而不是生成 <pre><code>...</code></pre>,它将生成一个 <div>...</div> 块。

Term 1
:   This is a definition item
    With a paragraph
    > This is a block quote

    - This is a list
    - with an item2



    And a last line
:   This ia another definition item

Term3 *with some inline*
:   This is another definition for term2
<dt>Term 1</dt>
<dd><p>This is a definition item
With a paragraph</p>
<p>This is a block quote</p>
<li>This is a list</li>
<li>with an item2</li>
<pre><code class="language-java">Test

<p>And a last line</p>
<dd>This ia another definition item</dd>
<dt>Term3 <em>with some inline</em></dt>
<dd>This is another definition for term2</dd>


Term 1

:   Definition
with lazy continuation.

    Second paragraph of the definition.
<dt>Term 1</dt>
with lazy continuation.</p>
<p>Second paragraph of the definition.</p>

定义必须缩进 4 个字符,包括 :

Term 1

:  Invalid with less than 3 characters
<p>Term 1</p>
<p>: Invalid with less than 3 characters</p>

: 可以缩进最多 3 个空格:

Term 1
   : Valid even if `:` starts at most 3 spaces
<dt>Term 1</dt>
<dd>Valid even if <code>:</code> starts at most 3 spaces</dd>

: 前面超过 3 个空格将触发缩进的代码块:

Term 1

    : Not valid
<p>Term 1</p>
<pre><code>: Not valid


1.  First
2.  Second
    Term 1
    :   Definition
    Term 2
    :   Second Definition
<dt>Term 1</dt>
<dt>Term 2</dt>
<dd>Second Definition</dd>