
Bootstrap 准备就绪标签扩展(Markdig 规范文档)

添加了对生成 Bootstrap 准备就绪标签的支持:


<table> 添加 Bootstrap 的 .table 类:

Name | Value
-----| -----
Abc  | 16
<table class="table">

<blockquote> 添加 Bootstrap 的 .blockquote 类:

> This is a blockquote
<blockquote class="blockquote">
<p>This is a blockquote</p>

<figure> 添加 Bootstrap 的 .figure 类,并向 <figcaption> 添加 .figure-caption 类:

This is a text in a caption
^^^ This is the caption
<figure class="figure">
<p>This is a text in a caption</p>
<figcaption class="figure-caption">This is the caption</figcaption>

.img-fluid 类添加到所有图像链接 <img>

![Image Link](https://www.koudingke.cn/url)
<p><img src="https://www.koudingke.cn/url" class="img-fluid" alt="Image Link" /></p>